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Clearing your space: Light the sage or Palo Santo and let the flame burn for a moment before blowing it out, allowing the smoke to purify the energy of your surroundings. Set your intention to clear away any negativity, stagnant energy, and unwanted influences. Move throughout your space, allowing the smoke to reach all corners, and visualize a clean and vibrant energy filling the area.

❤️Personal cleansing: Pass the smoke of the sage or Palo Santo over your body, starting from your head and moving downward. Imagine the smoke purifying your energy field and releasing any tension, stress, or negativity that may be clinging to you.

❤️Meditation and relaxation: Light the Palo Santo and let the sweet scent fill the air. Sit in a comfortable position and breathe deeply, allowing the aroma to ground and center you. Use this time to connect with your inner self, set intentions, or simply enjoy a moment of peace and tranquility.

Remember to use these tools with respect and mindfulness. 🙏🙏🙏

Palo santo & Sage cleansing kit

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